Ebbene sì! Tutto è iniziato in Sudafrica nell’estate del 2013 quando dopo anni di pratica e casi studio Wynter mi disse: “sei pronto, cosa spetti!”. Tornato in Italia fondai il primo blog dando vita al progetto Animal talk Italia con l’obiettivo di condividere le esperienze apprese nella comunicazione intuitiva.
Fin da subito la parola chiave è stata “condivisione”: solo così avrei potuto realizzare questo sogno! Siamo nel 2023 e con lo stesso spirito non vedo l’ora di ritrovarci insieme per passare una giornata di festa nella quale avremo ospiti, artisti e professionisti stupendi.
Un sincero ringraziamento anche a quanti di voi negli anni hanno sostenuto il progetto Animal Talk Italia! Questa festa è anche merito vostro!
Un caro saluto,
Animal Talk Italia ha compiuto
10 anni!
Dieci anni di un sogno:
il racconto della giornata
Discover the wonder of Intuitive Communication through the stories of those who have already tried it, finding in it a valid tool to understand the world from an animal point of view.
Stories of people and animals from all over the world who have within them the magic of that invisible thread that unites every creature: Love, the main ingredient of Intuitive Communication.
Still have doubts about how it works? Check out our FAQs !
In this meeting, after a brief introduction on the personal journey
by Andrea who guided him to listen to animals, messages and knowledge will be shared that embrace the path of growth at 360 °
of each of us.
Presentation conference on Intuitive Communication told by direct experience with many different animals: from lions to penguins,
from cows to dogs and cats and then to the bear.
In this meeting, after a brief introduction on the personal journey
by Andrea who guided him to listen to animals, messages and knowledge will be shared that embrace the path of growth at 360 °
of each of us.
Presentation conference on Intuitive Communication told by direct experience with many different animals: from lions to penguins,
from cows to dogs and cats and then to the bear.
Presentation conference on Intuitive Communication told by direct experience with many different animals: from lions to penguins,
from cows to dogs and cats and then to the bear.
In this meeting, after a brief introduction on the personal journey
by Andrea who guided him to listen to animals, messages and knowledge will be shared that embrace the path of growth at 360 °
of each of us.
Qualche scatto di una giornata memorabile
"The longest distance a person can travel in their entire life is from the mind to the heart."
- Andrea Contri